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Total posts: 2
Joined: 12 year(s) ago
Posted 10:40 PM 29-10-2011
I've only just joined the Reiki Association & am rather disapointed by the lack of members posting topics. As a 'newbie' I was hoping for some thought provoking ideas. One topic that I would like to hear your views on is the matter of using Reiki on youngsters ie 12 - 15yr olds. They are a difficult age, with minds of their own but still really just children. What if they want help but parents don't agree?
Total posts: 10
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Posted 5:49 PM 18-2-2011
This really starting to sound interesting if we can get enough members to participate. Please don't descriminate against bad spelling or grammar, once in the throes all can go to the wind!!
Good luck everyone, lets be hearing from you.
Total posts: 13
Joined: 32 year(s) ago
Posted 4:47 PM 18-2-2011
Hi Roger, Since we are just starting out with this, the current lack of topics and replies does not make it easy to work out what is going on I agree. Luckily you started one!
I have now made clearer which forums are viewed by public and members only. If you click on the name of forum you are presented with a list of current topics. At this point you can click to Post New Topic if you want, or you can click on the name of an existing one to explore or participate. You will see the posted comments. To add your comment you can either use 'Quick Reply' which just allows you to enter simple text, or you can click 'Post Reply' which takes you to a menu with more options on formatting your comment. Bold/Italic letters, numbers/bullet points, graphics, website link etc. You can also if you wish upload an image, say a photo, or any jpeg, png, gif, bmp.
There is an option in 'Settings' on the top menu which allows you to have email notifications when someone posts on your topic
Total posts: 21
Joined: 32 year(s) ago
Posted 12:06 PM 18-2-2011
Hi Roger thanks for your comment. Our community website is still in its early stages and we are still developing many of its aspects. This forum is intended for discussion about Reiki practice it will probably make more sense once discussions get going. As you have some experience in other forums would you like to help us get the flow going with some suggestions that would help it to make more sense?
Total posts: 10
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Posted 8:17 PM 17-2-2011

I am a member of numerous forums but I cannot get my head round this one.

Is it me? and if so tell me but point in the right direction where to go.

Attach image???? what and whose. Yogi Bear comes to mind