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Total posts: 9
Joined: 29 year(s) ago
Posted 11:34 AM 6-4-2014
Dear Kevin
Welcome to the Association. I generally think that when we start in professional/public fees are difficult to work out.
My feeling is think about how much you value Reiki yourself.
How much it has cost you to set up your practice and then think about how much you yourself would be willing to pay for a good reiki treatment.
Start with a fee you are comfortable with, even promote yourself with the words introductory offer ( which you could keep running as long as you feel is appropriate) as you gain experience you will be able to feel what the right fee for you is. I would ask my students when faced with this problem, how much would you be willing to pay for a good massage, a hair restyle or tickets to see a see it is a question of your personal how long was that piece of string again?
Total posts: 1
Joined: 10 year(s) ago
Posted 1:24 PM 5-4-2014

Hi, I'm new to the association having only joined today. I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to guide me with respect to fees/charges for Reiki Treatments? I'm hoping to find my way as practioner and any help or guidance members could offer would be of great help......

Thank you in advance
