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Total posts: 10
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Posted 8:30 AM 7-4-2011
Hi Milly. Thankyou, just what I needed. I have told her to look on our website, she didn't know there is one, then she can ask her own questions.
Total posts: 16
Joined: 26 year(s) ago
Posted 7:37 AM 6-4-2011
Hi Roger. These are some of the things that we cover on the PSN workshops in the past. Practitioner Support. We are hoping to have a new programme or at least a Nitty Gritty topics workshop (addressing these kind of questions) later in the year.
I suggest that your friend looks at costs of premises and asks to view any room space in salons, clinics, complemtary health centres. The cost will help guide the charges per session also. A guide price seems to be anywhere between £20 - £50 depending on length/time of treatment. This is only a guide. Our overheads when we are in Public Practice have to be accounted for. Insurance, equipment, premises, publicity, CPD etc. Some people ask for Donations and continue to work in a more 'voluntary' way through Hospices. If your friend has Reiki? you could encourage them to join TRA as the support of a community like this is very, very helpful over the years best to you, Milly
Total posts: 10
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Posted 6:32 PM 5-4-2011

I have a friend who is trying to set up healing sessions. As always there are obstacles. Where to find suitable venues away from base and the cost thereof and what to charge for a session.

Has anyone got any comments to make.
